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Employee Benefit Statements for HR Consultancy Use

Provide Clients an Added-Value with Employee Benefit Statements

If you are an HR professional, it is now easy to give your clients the added benefit of employee compensation communication through employee benefit statements.

Choosing the COMPackage Professional Version will allow you to provide unlimited statements to your clients and/or create client sublicenses.

Add Value to Your HR Services

Retention is one of today’s primary business problems, and providing employee benefit statements to clients is one of the best ways to support their employee retention rate. Few employers consider this service because they don’t know about it, or they are worried that their employees will notice that they didn’t increase their benefits this year. However, the opposite is usually true. Health insurance premiums keep climbing, not to mention all of the other benefits and perks (cell phone usage, company car, employee outings) and employers would benefit from sharing with their employees how much their total compensation really is.

For one low annual price, COMPackage lets you provide employee benefit statements to all of your clients.

You can prepare the reports for clients, optionally split the work, or let them run their own reports. You can even resell the service of providing reports, if you like.

Provide Effective HR Communication Services to Clients

A recent study has shown that employee benefits communication breeds workplace loyalty.

Employee benefit statements allow your clients to effectively communicate with their employees regarding their total compensation. COMPackage is not only a salary + health benefits statement – it is a TOTAL benefit statement, with over 80 company-paid benefits and perks that employers do not often report to employees.

By offering COMPackage employee benefit reports to your clients, you will be helping them effectively communicate with their employees, by strengthening the employer/employee relationship, thereby reducing employee turnover and the hiring costs associated.

COMPackage's Employee Benefit Statements (Pro Version) for HR Consultants includes:

  1. The ability to:
    1. Process reports for your clients, and/or
    2. Work iteratively in tandem with your clients by creating client sublicenses, and/or
    3. Provide the solution to your clients' as a sublicensee and let them process it themselves.
    4. Make changes to the template to easily provide statements in any language and currency.
  2. A "Foldering" capability, allowing you to maintain clients in separate files within the COMPackage structure.
  3. An ability to include your company's benefits consultancy name in the footer of the total benefit statements.
  4. Provide your clients with an unlimited number of statements– no matter how many clients you have, and no matter how many total benefit statements are generated.

Provide your clients with an unlimited number of employee benefit statements - no matter how many clients you have, and no matter how many total compensation reports are generated.

View a free demo of Total Compensation Reports.

View a sample compensation report.

See pricing of compensation reports(Pro Version)