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Sample Employee Compensation Statement

The sample below demonstrates just how simple and powerful COMPackage’s employee compensation statements are. These colorful, easy-to-use tools work because they can show employees exactly how much they’re earning in just a few seconds.

You can choose to prepare total benefit statements one at a time in less than 5-7 minutes. Or, your entire census can be completed in less than 90 minutes. Considering your time, there’s no lower cost way to produce total compensation statements than COMPackage.

Purchase benefit statement software today or view a free demo.

Click either report image below to download the full-size PDF sample employee compensation statement. Both are included in any purchase of COMPackage – industry leaders in DIY total compensation statement software.

Standard Salaried Report

Sample Compensation Statement

Annual Hourly Report

Sample Compensation Statement

Both reports are included in all COMPackage licenceses